Renzulli Schoolwide Enrichmnet Model (SEM)

Career Day Student Surveys

Please use the links below to select your preferences for which careers you are interested in learning more about during the 2025 BELL Academy Career Day Event!

Before indicating preferences, read through descriptions carefully! As a reminder, please be sure to select FIVE choices and to only select each career once.  


Midyear Supportive Environment/SEL Survey

District 25 SEL Survey

Please click the following link for the D25 SEL Survey: D25 SEL Survey


BELL Academy SEL Survey

Please click on the link for your grade-level survey. Remember to read questions, choices, and scales carefully to ensure you are responding as intended.

6th Grade:

7th Grade:

8th Grade:

Cycle 2 Enrichment Selections

It's that time of year - time to complete your Cycle 2 Schoolwide Enrichment Model Preference Surveys!

Before completing your survey, please make sure that you read the descriptions CAREFULLY!


  • You must select and rank FIVE clusters. Please do not select the same cluster for more than one option - you will not be placed in that one if you do.
  • Only complete the survey one time - if you complete it more than once, only the first submission will be counted.
  • Students in Drama, BELL Band, Set/Prop Design, and Yearbook should not complete the survey.


Schoolwide Enrichment Model Cycle 2 Cluster Descriptions

Schoolwide Enrichment Model Cycle 2 Student Preference Surveys




Enrichment Clusters

BELL Academy is proud of our enrichment clusters. Our enrichment clusters include fine arts, drama, young entrepreneurs, and many more. 

 two students holding up their 